
About Us

Aviquímica is a leading company in the merchandising of medical, surgical, hygiene, patient comfort and safety and laboratory products to the Portuguese health units. Our company is certified in accordance to the NP EN ISO 9001:2008 norm, following the standards of quality required in Portugal and in the European Union.

Aviquímica is featured amongst the businesses selected as suppliers to the Health Department, by means of open competitive tendering by the SPMS – Serviços Partilhados do Ministério da Saúde, for various groups of hospital supplies.

Our clients

Aviquímica has a vast number of clients, spread throughout Mainland Portugal and the Islands generically grouped within the following categories:

chevron_right Hospitals and Clinics

chevron_right Doctors’ Offices

chevron_right Diagnosis Centers and Clinics

chevron_right Rest Homes

chevron_right Research Centers

chevron_right Transport Companies

chevron_right Universities

chevron_right Pharmaceutical Industry Laboratories

chevron_right Fire Departments

chevron_right Nurse-led Clinics

chevron_right Private Security Companies

chevron_right Stomatologists

chevron_right Medical Test Laboratories

chevron_right Pharmaceutical Industry Laboratories

about us